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Private Music Lessons are available in person at our studio or online via Skype, Facetime, Zoom, or other video platform.
Private music lessons are typically 30-minutes long. Longer lessons are available at additional cost. There is a $10/month per family administrative fee added to the cost of your lessons. Please read the Music Lesson Policies section at the bottom of this page for more details.
Instructors: Kelly Ward, Andrew Farmer, Kristen Batson, Paula Murphy, Heidi Bishop, Karisa Waldt
Instructors: April Nurmi, Addison Ballew, Danielle Yother
Instructors: Don Foster, Danielle Yother, Andrew Farmer, Russ Chapman, Tim Lee
Instructor: Don Foster, Danielle Yother
Instructor: Russ Chapman
Instructors: Danielle Martin (violin/viola), Elizabeth Johnson (cello), Heidi Bishop (violin), Mike Retzer (all brass), Ryan Kouvolo (Saxophone), Karisa Waldt (clarinet)
Group Instruction in Visual and Performing Arts
Instructor: Gregbo Watson
Learn to draw your favorite comic book characters in this fun class taught by a professional illustrator and comic book artist.
Ages 8-18
Thursdays, 4:30-5:30, year round
Proposed classes and workshops:
Special pricing offered for early sign-up. Promo pricing available for committing to the entire class.
Go to
On this page, prospective students can complete the sign up form. Class minimum of 5. Participants of those classes will receive an email asking them to confirm their seat by paying for it.
Children and teens ages 8-18 learn about theatre by doing theatre. Weekly classes/rehearsals culminate in multiple performances of a scripted play. Sign-ups are generally held in August and January. No previous experience required.
See our page for more information.
Follow our Facebook page for the latest offerings. Private parties also available. Prices vary depending on size of project and/or materials. Pre-registration /pre-payment required. Contact Denise Day to schedule at 864-419-4296
The Shag is now an official state dance for both North and South Carolina, with a national competition in Myrtle Beach. It's a quick, fun, and very social dance, which is what makes it the perfect dance to know for a party. No partner? No problem, we'll provide you with one!
NOTE: FACE does not handle registration for this class. You must contact Donna Stroud (864-404-0616) to register for the next 4-week session.
We have so many ways to explore the arts!
How do I pay for my lessons?
Invoices are sent by email 7 days before the due date, which is normally the first of each month. Payment is due on the 1st and can be made by following the link in the email to pay online, paying in person at our office, or having your bank mail us a check to arrive by the 1st of each month. We do not currently offer autodraft.
What if I have to miss a lesson?
ALWAYS call us as soon as you know you are not able to come. It is very inconsiderate to just not show up. You should not expect us to schedule a make-up lesson if you do not show up and do not call at least 24 hours before your lesson time. It is always easier to keep your original lesson time than to try to schedule a makeup lesson. Our instructors have very full schedules with limited openings, so be sure you really need to miss before cancelling a lesson. We do not give refunds or credits for missed lessons. Remember: You are paying for your instructor to set aside a specific time exclusively for you each week, not just for lessons taught. If you miss your appointed time, you risk losing that lesson.
What happens during a music lesson?
Every instrument, every instructor and every student is different. Instructors may use a variety of approaches depending on the needs of the student, but generally you will review what you were taught last week and learn new techniques to practice in the coming week.
How much do I have to practice?
That is between you and your instructor, but the key is to be consistent. A little every day is better than trying to practice for several hours the night before your lesson.
What books or music do I need to buy?
There are several different good music study courses available. Your instructor will choose the right course of study for you and show you where to purchase them in our on-site music store.
What if the weather is bad and F.A.C.E. is closed?
If FACE is closed due to snow or icy conditions, we will schedule a makeup day for missed lessons. Call our office, check our Facebook page or check WYFF for weather closings.
Why are fees the same regardless of the number of lessons?
Our monthly lesson fees are based on an average of at least 48 lessons per year. Some months (like November or December), you may only receive 3 lessons, but some months you will have 5. Instead of charging a different amount each month, we just averaged it out to a flat fee per month for the entire year. (Recitals count as lessons, too, [even if you don’t perform] so be sure to count those if you’re checking my math.) Paying at the first lesson of each month allows us to reserve that lesson time exclusively for you. You will progress faster if you come to your lessons consistently and take lessons year-round (we are open during the Summer, too!). One reason we are able recruit and keep top-quality instructors is because we are able to provide them with consistent income from month to month. We think they’re worth it!
What is the $10 per month "administrative fee" for?
Our teachers receive the majority of the tuition you pay for lessons. The Fine Arts Center pays for rent, utilities, licenses and taxes, insurance, and all the other things necessary to keep the place running. Due to the rising cost of all these things, we have added an extra fee to enable us to continue providing this service to our community.
What if I decide I want to stop taking lessons?
Signing up for private music lessons is a commitment you are making to yourself and your instructor. While we do not require you to sign a contract for a specified time (some studios do), we hope you will give yourself enough time to make an informed decision. If you are unhappy with your instructor or with your lessons for any reason, please speak with our office staff before ending your lessons. We have more than one instructor for most instruments we teach, so we may be able to move you to another teacher who will better suit your needs.
We do not give refunds, so if you decide to stop lessons in the middle of the month you should at least finish all the lessons you have paid for.
As a courtesy to your instructor, please give us at least 2 weeks’ notice so that we have an opportunity to find another student to fill your time slot.
The Fine Arts Center of Easley is committed to providing convenient, affordable, expert instruction in the visual and performing arts to students of all ages.